summer school

International Summer School Banking and Capital Markets Law


VII edition


Formazione continua

Lifelong Learning

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A unique programme allowing participants to deal with senior academics, representatives from EU and national supervisory authorities, the European Commission and practitioners in the field on the important topics related to banking and capital markets law.


The aim of the Summer School is to provide junior researchers (PhD researchers, post-docs, junior faculty members), LLM students and young professionals in the field with mentoring as well as with exposure to cutting-edge research in banking and capital markets law.
Among the topics of the School: retail investment strategy, investor protection in capital markets; governance and sustainability; sustainable finance; crisis management framework; emission trading schemes; banking and corporate
law, digital finance.

Selected participants will have the opportunity to present their own research projects (both completed and work‐in‐progress papers) and to discuss them with leading researchers. Participants will be invited to give concise presentations of their work, which will be followed by an in‐depth discussion of each contribution. Each accepted research paper will be assigned to a discussant chosen among the senior academics involved in the  School. Nevertheless, the presentation of papers is not compulsory.


The programme consists of 4 working sessions (one per day) from July 1st to Jult 4th 2024.

The detailed programme will be provided soon.

Key features

A student-centred programme providing a supportive setting where PhD students, post-doc researchers and young professionals meet other students and senior scholars from other Countries, thus establishing valuable networks for the future

The interaction with leading academics - from European and extra-European Universities - and international experts

The Certificate of attendance and the release of an Open Badge, upon completion of a final test, by Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Info point

Who should attend

The Summer School is intended for:

  • PhD researchers, post-docs and junior faculty members conducting research in the field of Banking & Capital Markets Law, and young professionals;
  • LLM students in the field.

In order to ensure a highly interactive environment, the number of participants presenting their papers will be limited to 25.

Where and when

Università Cattolica, Milan & Villa Cagnola (Gazzada Schianno - VA), July 1st - 4 th, 2024
Call for participants application deadline: June 9th 2024
Those who do not wish to present their research can apply anyhow, submitting a short CV and a motivation letter only, to
For information on application procedure: 


€ 780,00 (VAT included): regular fee (Accomodation in single room)
€ 700.00 (VAT included): regular fee (Accomodation in double room)
€ 700.00 (VAT included): fee for students or faculty members affiliated with partner universities or with EBI YRG group (Accomodation in single room)
€ 600.00 (VAT included): fee for students or faculty members affiliated with partner univ. (double room)


Andrea Perrone
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Michele Siri
Aline Darbellay
University of Zurich and EUSFiL
Guido Ferrarini
Filippo Annunziata
Tobias Troeger
SAFE/Goethe University

